Our Lives of Righteousness

When I was a kid, my mom took me to a friend’s house where she chatted with the other mom while my friend and I played a board game.  Let’s call him Cheating Cheater instead of Charlie Humphrey.

Cheating Cheater cheated.  It infuriated me, and I called him on it.  We got a little rowdy, and the moms came in.  And get this – they didn’t punish him.  They told us to make up and keep playing.  Did they not understand what Cheating Cheater did and that retribution was demanded?

It was at that moment, I kid you not, that I dedicated my life to righteousness.  To this date, I wait at crosswalks even when there are no cars, I don’t cheat on taxes, and I keep an eagle eye out for evil doers.

Jump to the present day.  I’ve explained to the kids that they should resolve minor issues themselves.  But sometimes there’s an escalating war of telling.  Today, after a few dozen “Aaron spit at me”s and “Maddie hit me”s I let loose with an

“I don’t care.”

I regretted it as soon as I said it.  I only hope that maybe my kids took the opportunity to dedicate their lives to righteousness at that point.

Who We Were Then
  • David
  • Lillian
  • Maddie (5 years old)
  • Aaron (3 years old)

One reply on “Our Lives of Righteousness”

There’s alot to be said about people who do cheat in life and people who don’t cheat in life, they can be both very good people and very bad people. A geed person may look good on the outside but is acually bad on the inside and vice versa. I commend you on your good, goodness, what is it, there’s evil but what is it for good, goodness I think, I commend you on your goodness doing ways, I hope you can teach your children to obtain the same mentality as you have growing up. However if they are not, don’t dispair, they might just need a little reminder as you had in your childhood. Hope your kids grow up nicely.


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