Know What I See?

As we’re driving along, Aaron’s in the back seat, looking at a rural scene on a postcard that he got somewhere.

“You know what I see?”
“A lambpire.”

I try to figure out what he means. Did he mispronounce it, or make up a new word? A lamb empire?  A lamb-umpire? A lamb-…

“You mean a lamb vampire?”

He shows me the postcard, and it’s just a scene of a pig and some hills. He points to the ridge of one of the hills and says that it’s really small. There’s nothing there.

But you know what? I see it too. The hills are teeming with them.


Who We Were Then
  • David
  • Lillian
  • Maddie (6 years old)
  • Aaron (4 years old)

3 replies on “Know What I See?”

“Drac-ewe-la”-Now that’s funny.
David and Lillian-I love that your family encourages and supports your children’s ability to think outside the box. You could have just have easily crushed his imagination with a comment of ‘there’s no such thing’. Kudo’s to you and your wife on raising your children to be creative.

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