There’s Nothing Like…

…Your little boy stating firmly that “the pee is coming.”  It’s like this army of pee that’s about to attack, and if you don’t act now, you’ll be sorry.

Lillian sent me that vivid little story while I was at work. It made my work problems suddenly fall into perspective.

Ahh, the joys of parenthood…

Who We Were Then
  • David
  • Lillian
  • Maddie (5 years old)
  • Aaron (3 years old)

2 replies on “There’s Nothing Like…”

lol, it’s that wonderful time when kids know that when that comes you have to find a bathroom.

I’d hate to hear him say ‘The poo is coming.’

I have so enjoyed reading your life stories. I was a mother to an only child my daughter grew up, married and has one son Kanion aged 3 1/2. They are expecting Baby girl ‘Aairis’ on June 10th, 2006. Kanion is a lot like your Maddie full of vim and vinegar. This was a great idea to chronical your life and the trials tribulation and utter amazement of parenthood. Keep up the great work.
Debbie Ray

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